Sunday, March 29, 2015


There are many examples of reservations in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Junior deals with living in an actual reservation where it's hard for him to branch off an make his own path because of traditions and unspoken rules. He is constantly being mistreated for leaving the reservation and not sticking to the path of any other Indian on the reservation. Penelope also has a figurative reservation with staying near where she grew up and not traveling far. I can relate to both Junior and Penelope in a lot of ways and I have a lot of reservations in my life, mostly figurative. One reservation that I have is being African American and having a family that thinks I should follow a similar path as those who came before me. My family consists of blunt, realists who don't really take risks and we are very close and it's hard to present different ways of seeing the world or harder to reach goals to them because they been thinking a different way then I have for a long time.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Green Light, Yellow Cars, and Church Steeples

In the Great Gatsby, the green light, yellow car, and church steeple are very significant things to think about while reading. We are introduce to the green light when we see Gatsby reaching out for it at the end of chapter one. This light represents Gatsby reaching out for Daisy but not quite reaching her because things are not the same as before they both moved to New York. The dream Gatsby has of ever getting back to Daisy is buried in the past. The yellow car that Gatsby owns resembles a clown car and Gatsby has now become the joke thinking that he could get back with Daisy. The church steeple is mentioned because at this point in the book, Nick is questioning whether he should say anything about the affairs or reserve judgment like he always has.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


It's ironic that Janie has been in relationships with older men who treat her bad and they disrespect her but it is the younger man that treats her right and withe respect. It is also ironic how Janie isn't willing to stand up to the older men that she was in a relationship with and she stays quiet but with the younger man, she automatically assumes that he his going to use her and she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him at the start. I think that once her opinions changed about her grandmother, so did her opinion on men because even though they older men that she has been in a relationship with treat her wrong, they were still somewhat wealthy and they could provide but with Tea Cake, he is rather poor and can't provide for her as much but he treats her better. Once Janie realized that it is not really all about the material things and it is truly about her happiness is when she started hating her grandmother and started to find real love instead of security.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful For a Classmate

I am very thankful for a lot of things and for a lot of people but there are two people in this class that I am thankful for and that is Sarah and Quincy. I am thankful for Sarah because she helps me understand things that are happening in the class or in the books that we read and she is a really nice person to have in class. I am also thankful for Quincy because he is always letting me see different perspectives that I never would have thought of and he always keeps class discussions interesting.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


A principle (if it even is one) that I pretty much live by everyday is to live and let live. I just go with the flow and let things happen. I don't really like to force things. I don't think that this is a principle that everyone should live by because there are people in the world that have to have things done a certain was and they have to be the best and ahead of the game and that's completely fine. In fact, we need people like that in the world but personally, I'll just go wherever the wind takes me. Don't get me wrong though. It's not like I don't care if I get a bad grade or I can't do something that I love but I know that with time, things will eventually (hopefully) get better. This goes with my attitude towards others as well. I won't try and stop someone from doing anything in their life that they want to do. I'll just let them be. If they were to do something and asked for help, I wouldn't convince them to do or not to do something. I would just tell them what I would do in that situation and let them decide from there. I'm not going to tell someone how to live they're life. They can make their own decisions and I'll make mine and let things run it course.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was a well known writer famous for his use of his iceberg theory. In his writings, he would tell a story withe regular plat and dialogue but thee was always a deeper meaning and emotion in his writings. I feel this is true for his life as well. We all know that as a child, Hemingway was dressed as a girl and was a twin to his older sister and as he got older he went to wars and has multiple wives and dank a lot and went on all kinds of adventures. This is the surface. Underneath is the reason for why he decided to make these choices as an adult. Since he was a child, he was dressed as a girl and being a guy, it was always important to be dominant and in control. This is obviously the reason why he grew up to be so many. I think he felt like he had to proved to himself that he wasn't a girl. Men fight so he participated in multiple wars. Men are handsome and can lure women in so he had four wives. He was in control. Men go on adventures so he went to Paris and Key West and Cuba. Men drink so he drank the nights away. There was always this constant competition for masculinity because I feel that he couldn't stand the thought of failing because men don't fail.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six 6-Word Stories

She stands alone, ready to jump

The past is now repeating itself

"We tried, but we have failed"

"When will they stop?" she wailed

They found a single note. "Goodbye."

"She didn't make it. I'm sorry."