Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was a well known writer famous for his use of his iceberg theory. In his writings, he would tell a story withe regular plat and dialogue but thee was always a deeper meaning and emotion in his writings. I feel this is true for his life as well. We all know that as a child, Hemingway was dressed as a girl and was a twin to his older sister and as he got older he went to wars and has multiple wives and dank a lot and went on all kinds of adventures. This is the surface. Underneath is the reason for why he decided to make these choices as an adult. Since he was a child, he was dressed as a girl and being a guy, it was always important to be dominant and in control. This is obviously the reason why he grew up to be so many. I think he felt like he had to proved to himself that he wasn't a girl. Men fight so he participated in multiple wars. Men are handsome and can lure women in so he had four wives. He was in control. Men go on adventures so he went to Paris and Key West and Cuba. Men drink so he drank the nights away. There was always this constant competition for masculinity because I feel that he couldn't stand the thought of failing because men don't fail.