Sunday, March 29, 2015


There are many examples of reservations in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Junior deals with living in an actual reservation where it's hard for him to branch off an make his own path because of traditions and unspoken rules. He is constantly being mistreated for leaving the reservation and not sticking to the path of any other Indian on the reservation. Penelope also has a figurative reservation with staying near where she grew up and not traveling far. I can relate to both Junior and Penelope in a lot of ways and I have a lot of reservations in my life, mostly figurative. One reservation that I have is being African American and having a family that thinks I should follow a similar path as those who came before me. My family consists of blunt, realists who don't really take risks and we are very close and it's hard to present different ways of seeing the world or harder to reach goals to them because they been thinking a different way then I have for a long time.