Thursday, December 11, 2014


It's ironic that Janie has been in relationships with older men who treat her bad and they disrespect her but it is the younger man that treats her right and withe respect. It is also ironic how Janie isn't willing to stand up to the older men that she was in a relationship with and she stays quiet but with the younger man, she automatically assumes that he his going to use her and she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him at the start. I think that once her opinions changed about her grandmother, so did her opinion on men because even though they older men that she has been in a relationship with treat her wrong, they were still somewhat wealthy and they could provide but with Tea Cake, he is rather poor and can't provide for her as much but he treats her better. Once Janie realized that it is not really all about the material things and it is truly about her happiness is when she started hating her grandmother and started to find real love instead of security.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful For a Classmate

I am very thankful for a lot of things and for a lot of people but there are two people in this class that I am thankful for and that is Sarah and Quincy. I am thankful for Sarah because she helps me understand things that are happening in the class or in the books that we read and she is a really nice person to have in class. I am also thankful for Quincy because he is always letting me see different perspectives that I never would have thought of and he always keeps class discussions interesting.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


A principle (if it even is one) that I pretty much live by everyday is to live and let live. I just go with the flow and let things happen. I don't really like to force things. I don't think that this is a principle that everyone should live by because there are people in the world that have to have things done a certain was and they have to be the best and ahead of the game and that's completely fine. In fact, we need people like that in the world but personally, I'll just go wherever the wind takes me. Don't get me wrong though. It's not like I don't care if I get a bad grade or I can't do something that I love but I know that with time, things will eventually (hopefully) get better. This goes with my attitude towards others as well. I won't try and stop someone from doing anything in their life that they want to do. I'll just let them be. If they were to do something and asked for help, I wouldn't convince them to do or not to do something. I would just tell them what I would do in that situation and let them decide from there. I'm not going to tell someone how to live they're life. They can make their own decisions and I'll make mine and let things run it course.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was a well known writer famous for his use of his iceberg theory. In his writings, he would tell a story withe regular plat and dialogue but thee was always a deeper meaning and emotion in his writings. I feel this is true for his life as well. We all know that as a child, Hemingway was dressed as a girl and was a twin to his older sister and as he got older he went to wars and has multiple wives and dank a lot and went on all kinds of adventures. This is the surface. Underneath is the reason for why he decided to make these choices as an adult. Since he was a child, he was dressed as a girl and being a guy, it was always important to be dominant and in control. This is obviously the reason why he grew up to be so many. I think he felt like he had to proved to himself that he wasn't a girl. Men fight so he participated in multiple wars. Men are handsome and can lure women in so he had four wives. He was in control. Men go on adventures so he went to Paris and Key West and Cuba. Men drink so he drank the nights away. There was always this constant competition for masculinity because I feel that he couldn't stand the thought of failing because men don't fail.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six 6-Word Stories

She stands alone, ready to jump

The past is now repeating itself

"We tried, but we have failed"

"When will they stop?" she wailed

They found a single note. "Goodbye."

"She didn't make it. I'm sorry."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

Even though John Proctor commit adultery, he is still an honest, straight-forward guy with a huge mistake. He did commit adultery but that was all that he did and when Abigail was lying and telling everyone that people were bewitching her, he didn't like it and he was willing to make public his affair even though that would cost him his reputation. I think he is a hero for not caring about his reputation and good name. All he wants is for people to know the truth. That all those people were not witches and that Abigail and the girls were just making everything up because they didn't want to have to suffer the consequences. I think John Proctor knew what a bad and jealous person Abigail was and he didn't want to see her get away with all the lying that she was doing so he decided to tell people about the affair even if his reputation and life was on the line and that what makes a hero to me.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

It was a normal day of hunting and gathering for us. We were just about to settle down and go to sleep when we had heard news of new people coming in from the sea on boat. We didn't want to go at first because we were a little skeptical of these new people and their intentions.
 We decided to go to the ocean shore and there we these people that were coming off of these big boats. They looked much different from us. They had much more clothes on and had all these cool things. I didn't really trust them. They seemed quite strange but everyone else thought that they were a gift from God and people were giving them weapons so I decided to go along with it. I thought they were trading for some of the odd things that the foreigners had but they weren't giving us much useful thing but for some reason, everyone was still being friendly with the new people. they seemed to be nice for the most part.
I started to trust them more until one day, They decided to tear up our property and ruin our homes. They tore apart families and some people never saw there children again. They were taking our property and ruining nature. They were ruining everything. I new there were strange. I just didn't think they could do such damage after us being so nice and inviting to them. I should have warned everyone. Now I have to await my fate.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hello! My name is Morgan Marie Forney and I am a sophomore in Mr. McCarthy's first period English class. I am fifteen years old and my birthday is August 9, 1999. I was born in Douglasville, Georgia which is and Atlanta suburb. I moved to Illinois when I was two because my parents got divorced. I moved Justice, Illinois which is a Chicago suburb and I moved to Chicago at the end of my eighth grade year. I live with my mom, and my twin sister Meagan. I attended Wilkins Elementary and Junior High School from K-8 and now I attend Whitney Young High School. I have five sisters. Briana (23), Mikol (19), Meagan (15), Mady (7), and Mykenzie (3).
Some things that I am interested in and love doing are dancing, reading, and I love to learn about serial killers. I've only been dancing for a year now with having dance class and being on the Poms team but its literally been non stop because I've also been dancing over the summer and I've always loved dancing since I was little. I love reading and i can literally read for hours without stopping but I am a very picky person with just about anything and only certain books with grab my attention more than others. My fascination with serial killers started in about sixth or seventh grade when i saw a documentary on Charles Manson. My aunt also has the same fascination as me and she let me borrow some books on Charles Manson and Ted Bundy. I've many documentaries since then and have read many articles and books.
I used to play trumpet and baritone, I ran track, and i used to do gymnastics. All of which i quit.
I am really shy and don't like to meet new people. I'm not a people person at all but when you get to know me, I can be fun and I'm usually the confused, weird one in the group that never knows what going on. I have a serious problem with getting distracted all the time. even when I'm in class, I'll just go into my own little world or look at all the posters in the classroom. I'm really antsy. I'm also very self-conscious. I get really nervous when people look at me weird or by what I might be wearing and I never think anyone will like me really when I first meet people. I'm pretty lazy but I'm working on it.